The adapter that this peripheral was found by.
The MAC address of this peripheral. All lowercase, with colon separator between bytes, e.g. 11:22:33:aa:bb:cc
The MAC address type of this peripheral.
Any manufacturer advertisement data received from the peripheral. Includes the company identifier.
The advertised name of the peripheral.
The current RSSI signal strength of the peripheral.
The unique identifier for this peripheral.
The current state of the peripheral.
Connect to this peripheral and setup GATT. Throws an error when connecting fails. Some connection settings may not be supported on certain platforms and wil be ignored.
The connection options.
Disconnect from this peripheral. Does nothing if not connected. This method never throws an error. When connecting to a peripheral you should always wrap your calls in try-catch-finally and call this method at the end.
try { peripheral.connect() } catch (err) { ... } finally { peripheral.disconnect(); }
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a peripheral that was found during scanning.